I got a book from the library that is part of a series-it's called "Year of Fun-Just for Twos" (there is a book for each age group). They have seasonally appropriate activities by month. It's a fantastic resource, with ideas I haven't seen or heard of before. One for February was making a clown toss game.
All you need is a cardboard box, some markers or crayons, and something to cut a mouth with (I used a utility knife). Zboy loved helping color the box, and while my art skills leave something to be desired, it was a quick, dirty job. We have a couple of beanbags I had made a while ago, and I looked around for anything else soft and small to throw. Next time, I'll put the mouth up higher and make it bigger-it was a bit too small for Zboy to get anything in easily, which is frustrating for him. I'll make some smaller beanbags too as mine are a bit too large. It was a fun game, and lasted double the time activities usually do, since we had to color it and then play with it.
What a lucky fellow he is! This looks and sounds like lots of fun!! A+ for you!
He actually got mad when I cut the clown mouth out-but when I showed him what to do, he had a lot of fun. Anything active for that boy!
Wow! That is a great idea. We always have boxes around, so we'll hafta try this sometime.
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